Raya Wishes

since timekeeper's busy preparing for finals, hehe i thought i'd wish everyone a


this raya season. let us all have the time of our lives before our finals and worry about trials once we get back. hehe. even though there's so much to worry about. sighs. oh i thought of changing our password to our USUAL password since this current password is a bit difficult to remember. so the next time anyone wants to post anything, just type our email j.one08@yahoo.com and our password. hehe. that's all for now. till after raya, take care all :)

final timetable

here is the timetable for the final...

2nd nov (mon) - ESL - 11.30 am
3rd nov (tue) - Phy - 7.00 am
5th nov (thur) - Maths - 7.00 am
9th nov (mon) - Bio - 7.00 am
11th nov (wed) - Chem - 11.30 am

our seatings are based on the SACE registration number given...
not by groups/class anymore...
so, we will be dispersed/abnormally distributed throughout taylor's (i guess, =P)

let us enjoy for one or two or three days of the holiday, first...
then, we talk business....

recharge ourselves to the fullest~~~ :P


As Trials Are Almost Over

so here we once were and will forever be :)

whether we're in new zealand, australia, or anywhere in the world promise we'll stay siblings?

exam alert~

here is our trial timetable (taken from taylor's portal..)

monday, 14th sept... chemistry (11.30am - 2.40pm)

tuesday, 15 sept... physics (7.00am - 10.10am) , ESL (11.30am - 2.40pm)

wednesday, 16 sept... biology (7.00am - 10.10am)

thursday, 17 sept... maths (7.00am-10.10am)

take note that three of our papers are scheduled on the wee hour of the morning...
kena berlatih bangun kul 5.30am and naik bas around 6~6.10am...

we have around 1 month and half for the trial, and 3 months for the REAL one...

time is flying and speeding...

best of luck to all of us~


Blog Updated... ^^

at last, this blog is finally updated..... with pictures again!

These are some pictures since February 09 (i think so... =.=)

-----> Singing Birthday song to Syafiq... ><

------> Physics Lab Time!

------> BIO Time! - Miqdad being the wooden doll? ~.~

Some random pictures..... :D

Still early in da morning.... :)

Blur.... =.=

Smile!! ^.^

More pictures...

Another sleeping beauties?? or.. sleeping 'codon'!

lalalala.... ~~

....................... XD

Well, that's all for now.... :)

Hope that other J-one-ians will always keep this blog 'alive'!


Guyz, i have one class announcement to make...

Attention to all JoNes,
please check your e-mail for the UNSW application details sent by the Placement Centre...
You can download the form from your account...


Pintu Suka Hati Doraemon

tajuk xde kaitan ngn blog... :P

just some random pics...

Ber'lemak' berjemaah

Karasu, Nagai, Nitta Sayuri

Speaker Dewan Undangan Kuala Terengganu. Muahahaha!

Equation yg agak sukar...

'Just for Fun Only....'

a good song it is..

a fun holiday, it is~~~

lalala,,, reminder to all kanak2 j.one... :p ...
we have math and phy homework... buat, jgn x buat...

then, this feb is full of excitment and joy because we will pass up a lot of things...
-ESL outline (2 feb, mon)
-CHEM 4 sources < the analysis thingy (3 feb, tue)
-ESL 4 annotated biblio (6 feb, fri)
-CHEM detailed outline < draft (23 feb, mon)
& waiting for the "bio draft" deadline - maybe around the second week (MAYBE)

oh2,,, we also have BIO lab practical (9/16 feb, mon), MATH and BIO quiz (10 feb, mon) and MATH CT1 (25 feb, wed)...

any confusion or 'don't-know'ness, ask the kepala-in-charge... :D

>mari mengimarahkan library berdekatan.<

-t/keeper signs off-

SEM 2's committee

Class Rep: Muhaimin
Assist. Class Rep : Manissa
Treasurer : Azlan
Assist. Treasurer: Ernie

Subject Reps:
English - Farah
Maths - Naddy
Physics - Haikal
Chemistry - Lokman
Biology - Adilah

IT Consultants :


here2~~~ (wanita2 indah, 2009)

HOHO!!! it has been a long a while for this dusty blog.... :P mari meng'imarah'kan kembali catatan maya ini...

Kita kembali ke taylor's, dengan semangat yang membara untuk menghabiskan BIOS logos dengan riang rianya... dan semangat kita semakin bertambah-tambah dengan kehadiran ESSAY/REPORT (s) CHEMistry, ENGlish dan bakal diikuti dengan PHYsics... siapa kata hidup sebagai pelajar membosankan... bukankah ini menarik~~? semoga kita mengharungi benda2 best ni dengan penuh tabah, sabar dan motivasi... Doktor kan perlu ada kualiti2 itu~~~?

WE welcome our new teachers; Ms Param, Mr Yap and Ms Ting... Welcome back to Ms Ina...
AND, HI Ms Piriya...
To Mrs Adeline Tan, Ms Koh Jee Yin, Ms Tan We Wee and Puan Salina... Millions THANX for teaching us in SEM 1... you guyz will surely be missed...

waktu terakhir minggu pertama SEM 2... havoc kala bincang geostationary orbit... kelas mengalami seperti keadaan parlimen yang huru-hara; semua keluarkan teori masing2... =P
miss ina akan cuba sampaikan cara 3D nanti... harap semua ahli2 yang berhormat bersabar...

>j.One x suka keganasan<
>j.One juga x dikriminasi wanita, jgn risau<