BREAKING UP (Probably the best way)

Face it, nothing lasts forever. These are the tips for us to note during break up.
  • Always break up by calling your partner and do it personally. Never do it on a phone or by message. Not like Britney Spears by a SMS. After all you loved your partner for long.

  • Give your partner the respect she or he deserves.

  • Don't blame each other. This is very bad and ends up in a big fight which may never be healed.

  • Try to remain friends and wish each other good luck!

    After break up the world breaks down on head for most true lovers. So here are a few commonsense tips for you to survive this stage.

  • Cry. If you feel bad which you surely will cry to relive yourself. If you suppress your emotions you are harming yourself.

  • Pamper yourself in every possible manner after break up to feel good.

  • Laugh when you have something funny.

  • Meet old friends, go to see a comedy movie with them.

  • Spend time with your family.

  • Help your Mom in cooking food, your Dad in his works.

  • Don't let yourself down, be positive and search for your new partner. There is always someone waiting. ;)


don't forget to check out the new timetable,,,
p/s,,, our new physics teacher~ mrs tan WW

Menjelang Ramadhan

Ramadhan is around the corner,


have we prepared ourselves for this fasting month?

lets us reflect ourselves on this article which is taken from

"Puasa adalah suatu yang dituntut dan wajib melaksanakannya. Ingkar puasa bererti mengingkari ajaran Islam dan seterusnya tergolong dalam golongan yang sama dengan orang yang murtad.

Puasa pada zaman sekarang begitu meriah dengan bazarnya. Sana sini penuh dengan khemah-khemah dan payung-payung peniaga. Ada peniaga segera dan ada yang jadi bidan terjun dan ada yang suka-suka daripada duduk saja kat rumah.

Namun hakikatnya ialah bazar Ramadhan adalah lebih meriah dan diberi keutamaan daripada melakukan ibadat yang berlipat kali ganda pahalanya di bulan yang karim ini. Dari satu sudut ia membawa rahmat kepada peniaga-peniaga dan dari satu sudut yang lain bazar Ramadhan membawa fenomena membazir kepada manusia sejagat.

Membazir dari segi lebihan makanan yang tidak habis dimakan dan juga membazir masa mengunjungi satu persatu gerai sehingga melanggar semua perkara yang makruh dilakukan ketika berpuasa.

Melihat pakaian pembeli dan penjual yang ibarat model beraksi di pentas, mencium bau-bauan dari lauk-pauk dan wangian badan manusia serta mendengar suara-suara sumbang diiringi lagu-lagu khayalan zaman sekarang.

Semua ini menipiskan pahala dan mendatangkan sia-sia tatkala kita berusaha mengumpul sedaya mungkin pahala. Yang pasti Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan (PBT) mengaut untung diatas kealpaan umat Islam menghayati Ramadhan Al-Karim ini."

soft reminder

Hello! How is your weekend? I have a wonderful moment spending time with loves one...Hope you all have a better understanding about PLP...This wednesday, 8am at room 3.10 will be our 2nd PLP session. Prepare some A4 paper, there will be a personal evaluation. After the session, I would like you all go back home and write your 2nd entry of your journal. When you have take a step to improve whatever you have write it down on your analysis, note it down in your journal too.

Lastly, during your laboratory period, please go to B19, your class which in C17 will be held at room 3.9 (just for this week)

formula m3

oit!!! jgn lupa tulis formula2 kat kertas A4...
juz as a reminder~ :)

ice cream (vanilla tau) besh!!

i love ice cream!!

u want some??

tidak dapat punye!!

this is mine!!

go n buy at mcd!!

rm 1.25 je


itu sahaja


Colourful Chemistry.

Chemistry is not just about boring shapes and polarity.

To us doctors-to-be, it's also about the creation of arts and colours

Our painter responsible ;

Mrs Adeline Tan (:


here are the promised lab photos of J one members in which everyone's faces are captured :)





alamak.too many to label - 11/16 XY jone-ians.

with a preserved sample. special appearance by miss koh (:







A Latecomer's Guide to Arriving On Time

Due to our 45 minute late arrival to college today, (yes, 6/7 of us housemates) we decided to put forth some tips to avoid the shame of coming into class past time. hehe. we feel that we have suffered enough shame today after arriving late both in the morning as well as in the afternoon :D

Morning Tips :

1) Avoid taking time ironing your tudungs in the morning when everyone else have started on breakfast

2) Get your early bird housemates to help prepare breakfast. ( Even if it's bread AND milo )

3) Do not begin the morning with gossips till after 7.15a.m. when waiting for the bus ( There's plenty of time to gossip while waiting )

4) Take the steps instead of the unreliable lift even if it's 12 ( 9+3 ) floors up ( Our only form of exercise so far )

5) DO NOT joke and fool around while walking ( It saves time and picks up on pace )

Afternoon Tips :

1) When you only have 30 minutes for lunch break, avoid going to warung naser that's a 5-minute walk away

2) Do not ratah on your piece of chicken knowing that you only have 10 minutes left till class starts

3) Skip the free ice cold nescafe drinks in front of college even if you're uber thirsty

4) Prepare your taylor's ID card so that you won't have to waste time searching for it in the deep bag of books

5) Opt to use the stairs that has less people and finally, quit the gossips yet again as you make your way to class. ( There's always time for the gossiping after class )

Tanjyoubi Omedeto!

Saya tak tahu macam mana nak cakap.
Kepada Adilah, Selamat Hari Lahir Ke-19
Semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki,
Semoga sentiasa berada dalam lindungan Allah,
Semoga tercapai segala hajat dan cita-cita,
Dan akhir sekali,
Semoga kedewasaan ini mengajar anda erti sebuah perjuangan, kehidupan dan harapan.
Au revoir!

Of Celebration And Presentations.


much love, Jone-ians <3

By the way korang, here are random snips of today's bio presentation on protein synthesis (:

miss fauziah and the gang

azlan and rhymie unzip :P


birthday girl.nadiah.syafiq.naddy.



BEST kan? kan? XD

as captured by missnissa
p/s : any ketidakpuasan hati with the photos, inform tau (: heh.


wishing all '08


for tomorrow's

English Common Test 1

the most recent photo taken - 080808 (:

.the highest of faith lie within those who believe.


here are some random photos of class Jone (:


purple pair.

ahh.pdut (firdaus) in action.

trio (my housem8s by the the way ;p )

RM2 photo.

at the steps.

the guys.

as captured by missnissa

Head to head??????????

Mentor Mentee one to one.
I am as good as dead.
I wrote nonsense thing in the first entry.
God help me!!!!!!

Mentor- mentee

I am very proud to announce Jone08 as my mentee. You all the best and the most wonderful students in Taylor. Due to the schedule in the college,we hardly have spare time to chats. Hope through this blog we are able to get to know each other better.

By the way, the mentor-mentee meeting wil be held on 13th August 2008 at 8am. Venue will be confirm later. It will be a one to one, and to help you to achieve or target on the issue you have written in your 1st entry of journal.




Greetings comrade!

2416517 Corporal Abbullah Muhaimin Amran reporting in.
Welcome to the latest class project of j1 (I hate blog and I don't know how to use it!!!!!!!!!)
Give me a m-16 and i can kill people,
Rather than creating a new blog because I'm suck with computer.
Therefore, if any of you want the latest news or announcement in the class, feel free to come to this blog.
Au Revoir!

hye everyone

my name is muhammad syakir
i dont know how to use blog

welcome note.

to each and every one of class J.ONE '08, i present to you our very own

blog :)

a personal request by our mentor mrs tan, this shall now be our hub of latest gossips and informative news at the same time.

everyone can post simply anything, as so will mrs tan. any new announcements shall be made here. and this blog shall hopefully stay alive for as long as we are.
